Heaven Knows Card
Creator: Danny Yung
Heaven Konws is an English-Chinese card game, designed by Danny Yung in 2014 while working on TianTianXiangShang Gateway, a Smithsonian commissioned bamboo flower plaque installation. The box contains a deck of sixty four cards, each card contains a four-character Chinese idiom/slang starting with the character Tian (heaven).

Yung believes all games are learning tools; word games can be good language learning tool. And the best way to learn another culture is via its idiom and slang. The sixty four idioms and slang selected here reflect a slice of Chinese culture of the 21st century.

Asides from learning Chinese, there are many ways to play with these cards. Mind reading is one suggestion. One can pick five cards and construct a story, and via that read one's own mind.

You can order directly from us as well, for details, please contact Mr Chung at +852 2893 8704.

Publishing Date:
Jun 2014
Zuni Icosahedron E+E
Dimension (cm):
10(L) x 6.5(W) x 4(T)
With 64 cards
Full-colour packing & cards
Retail Price : $100
Online Price : -
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