Theatre Exchange Programme – Artist in Residence (2002 – 2004)

This programme is commissioned by The Hong Kong Arts Development Council and organized by Zuni Icosahedron, and spanned from late 2002 to early 2004. Four artists from different fields in China are invited to Hong Kong, including an actor/director/playwright, a scholar-art critic, an artist of Chinese traditional opera, and an education worker in the theatre art. These artists from China presented performances, held talks and workshops whilst visiting the various arts organizations of Hong Kong so as to enhance the knowledge of the public in various forms of art. These activities also facilitated exchanges between the local artists and those from China. 


Talk on Arts Management in Contemporary China
Participating Artist: Nick Yu
Date: 6/2004
Venue: Ngau Pang Sue Suen (Cattle Depot) and local arts group

Talk on China Contemporary Art and Visiting
Participating Artist: Dao Zi
Date: 11/2003
Venue: Ngau Pang Sue Suen (Cattle Depot) and local arts group

Talk on Shanghai Drama Development
Participating Artist: Cao Lusheng
Date: 1/2003
Venue: Ngau Pang Sue Suen (Cattle Depot) and local arts group

Workshop on the Arts of Traditional Opera
Participating Artist: Zhou Long
Date: 1/2003
Venue: Ngau Pang Sue Suen (Cattle Depot) and local arts group