Combining music education and guided appreciation of spiritually, the series of the Appreciation of Religious Music aims to enhance the audience’s ability in art appreciation through the exchange of religion and art.
Narrative Singing – Explanation of the Diamond Sutra on Emptiness
30/8/2014 (Sat)
Foyer, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Introduction and guided appreciation: Venerable Sik Tsang Chit
Chanting demonstration: Venerable masters from Fat Yu Ching Seh
Acknowledgements: Tung Lin Kok Yuen, Fat Yu Ching Seh
The Guan Yin Spiritual Dharani
12/7/2014 (Sat)
Foyer, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Introduction and guided appreciation: Venerable Sik Tsang Chit
Chanting demonstration: Venerable masters from Fat Yu Ching Seh
Acknowledgements: Tung Lin Kok Yuen, Fat Yu Ching Seh
Prostrating to Guan Yin with Thoughts Resting in Mindfulness
5/5/2014 (Mon)
Foyer, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Introduction and guided appreciation: Venerable Sik Tsang Chit
Chanting demonstration: Venerable masters from Tung Lin Kok Yuen
Acknowledgements: Tung Lin Kok Yuen, Fat Yu Ching Seh
The Recitation for Avalokiteshvara Meditation – Mantra of Compassion Invoking Peace and Well-being
22/12/2013 (Sun)
Foyer, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Guided appreciation & chanting: Thuksey Rinpoche and His monastics
Supported by: Drukpa Hong Kong
Sponsor: Gracious Glory Buddhism Foundation
Entering the Way to Wisdom – Hua Yen Siddham Alphabet Chanting
13/10/2013 (Sun)
Foyer, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Introduction and guided appreciation: Venerable Sik Tsang Chit
Chanting demonstration: Venerable masters from Tung Lin Kok Yuen
Acknowledgements: Tung Lin Kok Yuen, Fat Yu Ching Seh
Pu Xian's Virtuous Actions for Awakening
15/6/2013 (Sat)
Foyer, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Introduction and guided appreciation: Venerable Sik Hin Hung & Venerable Sik Tsang Chit
Chanting demonstration: Venerable masters from Tung Lin Kok Yuen
Acknowledgements: Tung Lin Kok Yuen, Fat Yu Ching Seh, Awareness Spiritual Growth Centre
The Medicine Buddha – Bringer of Health and Joy
2/12/2012 (Sun)
Foyer, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Introduction and guided appreciation: Venerable Sik Hin Hung & Venerable Sik Tsang Chit
Chanting demonstration: Venerable masters from Tung Lin Kok Yuen
Acknowledgements: Tung Lin Kok Yuen, Fat Yu Ching Seh, Awareness Spiritual Growth Centre
Awakening Music of Bell-Chiming Chants
5/5/2012 (Sat)
Foyer, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Introduction and guided appreciation: Venerable Sik Hin Hung
Chanting demonstration: Venerable masters from Fat Yu Ching She
Acknowledgments: Awareness Spiritual Growth Centre, Fat Yu Ching Seh, The Hong Kong Buddhist Association, Tung Lin Kok Yuen, Ms Vanessa Pong, Mr Lau Wing Fung Alan
Heavenly Music of Yann Kou: Buddhist Practice of Filial Piety
6/8/2011 (Sat)
Foyer, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Introduction and guided appreciation: Venerable Sik Hin Hung, Venerable Sik Tsang Chit
Chanting demonstration: Venerable masters from Tung Lin Kok Yuen
Acknowledgments: Awareness Spiritual Growth Centre, Fat Yu Ching Seh, Tung Lin Kok Yuen
Buddhist Prayers for the Tsunami Victims of Japan – The Great Compassion Mantra with Guided Appreciation
1/5/2011 (Sun)
Foyer, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Introduction and guided appreciation: Venerable Sik Hin Hung, Venerable Sik Tsang Chit
Chanting demonstration: Venerable masters from Fat Yu Ching She
Acknowledgments: Awareness Spiritual Growth Centre, Fat Yu Ching Seh, Tung Lin Kok Yuen